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Greta's blog, Day 8 (Saturday March 13th):

We were up early and out the front gate at 5:32 am. We drove to the airport, dropped off the car, checked one suitcase, went through security, and sat down in a quiet corner of the airport - all in under 42 minutes (as in leaving the condo to ready to board the plane - 42 minutes). After learning our lesson on the way down, we picked up a couple drinks for the plane ride as the one little 8 oz. bottle of water you get on the plane is not enough. Due to Covid, there are no drinks/snacks sold on the plane. Everyone gets the same thing - a little zip lock containing an 8 oz bottle of water, a snack pack of almonds or goldfish crackers, and a mini Cliff bar. And a disinfecting wipe - you get SO many of these between the time you get on the plane until you get off. The flight to Atlanta went quickly, and we got there a bit early.

Once we got to Atlanta, we went right to our concourse for the next flight as we only had a little bit over an hour layover. There were only two restaurants open - a McDonald's and another counter-service only place. Both had VERY long lines. So Greta got in line (she was hungry for breakfast) and Mike was going to wait at a table. As soon as Greta got in line, a notice came over the Delta app that our plane was delayed by 90 minutes. Since we had the extra time, we walked down to the B concourse, where more restaurants were open. But there still were some lines and so we walked to the end of B concourse where Sweetwater Brewing had a small sit-down location open with absolutely no waiting. We got something to drink as well as a breakfast burrito for Greta and a burger and fries for Mike. We got some happy-puppy pictures of Remi with his girlfriend Taylor. Lori and Tom, neighbors of ours, were kind enough to pick up Remi Saturday morning for us, as the kennel didn't offer Saturday afternoon pickups.

We walked the way back to our concourse (we had the time, so we opted not to take the train) and eventually got on our flight. The plane was HUGE (3 separate sections, with a lot of it in the 2-4-2 seating configuration). The flight home was once again uneventful, and soon we were at MSP. Mike headed right to the parking garage at the other terminal to get our car. Greta stayed behind and waited for the checked bag. It actually came off the conveyor before Mike had gotten on the light-rail, but she probably would not have made it to the train in time. The arrivals area was busy, so Mike picked up Greta in the departure zone and we headed home.

It was great to see Remi. He'd been a good boy and waited by himself at our house for about 4 hours. Tom walked him from their place to ours, and Lori drove his things over to our house. She said that when they got to our front door, he stopped looking happy, and didn't move - he knew we weren't home and didn't want to go in the house. Poor guy. They did get him in the door, and he promptly laid down and didn't move. Of course he must have moved at some point, because we saw his big head in the upstairs window when we pulled into the driveway.

It was a great trip but it was even better to be home again! All the snow was gone, the weather was nice. The ice is looking gray on the lake, which is a very good sign, but little did we know, a few days later, we'd get another few inches of snow. Oh well - it is only March after all!


03/13/21 07:02:16
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03/13/21 09:00:00
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03/13/21 09:14:50
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03/13/21 11:47:46
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03/13/21 15:42:25
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Last updated: Tue, Mar 16, 2021.
Copyright © Mike vanMeeteren, 2021.